Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gov. Perry Designates Emergency Items for Legislature

Emergency designation allows lawmakers to consider items in first 30 days of session

AUSTIN, TX, Feb. 3, 2009 -– Gov. Rick Perry today declared emergency items for the 2009 legislative session. The emergency designation will allow lawmakers to begin considering these issues in the initial 30 days of the legislative session.

The emergency items include:

* Legislation to provide supplemental appropriations to state agencies and institutions related to hurricane response and recovery associated with the hurricanes of 2008;

* Legislation to assist public and private entities with recovery from the hurricanes of 2008;

* Legislation to reform the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) and legislation to fund the Catastrophe Reserve Trust Fund related to TWIA;

* Legislation to improve state schools and centers operated by the state of Texas; and

* Legislation to appropriate funds to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for the purchase and use of screening and detection devices for contraband and personnel, as well as comprehensive security equipment.

“By designating these items emergencies, lawmakers are able to begin considering these important issues relating to the safety, security, recovery of our state,” Gov. Perry said.


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