Coach formally resigned Wednesday, remains jailed at present.
The Longview News-Journal is reporting that John Tiger has resigned his teaching and coaching position at New Diana High School.
Even though he is charged with Soliciting a Minor, Upshur D.A. Bill Byrd expects other charges to be filed.
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Centers to open in Longview and Henderson
LONGVIEW - FEMA will open the Longview Center at the Broughton Recreation Center at 801 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
The Henderson Center will be located at the Rusk County Airport,3500 CR 416-A, Henderson.
Both centers will be open Sunday from 12:30 to 5:30 pm, and Monday through Thursdays 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
The Centers provide information about state and federal disaster assistance, assist with filling out loan applications and make referrals to volunteer aid organizations.
FEMA can be contacted at (800) 621-3362 or TTY (800) 462-7585 for the speech / hearing-impaired citizens.
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Year long text message relationship ended with mother's help
KLTV is reporting that the mother of the 15 year old Union Hill student intercepted messages from Tiger, and helped arrange the meeting that lead to his arrest.
Reportedly, Tiger asked for sex, and was subsrquently arrested at the girl's home by Upshur Sheriff deputies.
Tiger remains jailed tonight under $500,000 bond. New Diana has placed the coach on paid administrative leave.
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GILMER -- The Upshur County Commissioners have a regularly scheduled meeting Friday, Oct. 31st. It will be held at the Upshur County courthouse at 9:00 am.
The agenda is posted on the County website. You can also click the picture to enlarge.
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First year Diana teacher and coach John Tiger was arrested and charged early Saturday with online solicitation of a minor.
According to a story broken by the Longview News-Journal, Tiger, who previously coached and taught at Union Hill, maintained contact with a Union Hill student.
Text messages he sent Friday concerned the mother and the student, and they reported them to the Upshur Sheriff's department. Text messages continued while the Sheriff's Department monitored, and a sting was set-up.
Tiger arranged to meet the student after Friday's football game, and Deputies arrested him at the pre-arranged location.
The Sheriff's Department refused comment in a call this afternoon as to Tiger's status. Emails to Union Hill and New Diana school administration and staff have also not been answered.
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