Thursday, January 1, 2009

Upshur Commissioners Vote To Update Office Equipment

Citing the poor condition of copiers and file time-stamp equipment, County Commissioners voted Wednesday to spend $6000 on replacements.

After brief discussion, in which Commissioners heard that the existing machines were out of warranty and not repairable, Court voting was unanimous to replace one county copy machine, and two time stamp machines, used to record the date and time that the county receives documents.

The copier, a Sharp machine, will cost the county $5426.00 to purchase, and 1 cent per copy for upkeep and maintenance. TLC Office Systems will supply the new machine.

The Court approved another $1600.00 expenditures for the two file stamp machines. The exact cost was not known, but the approved amount was decided based on prices found online.

In other business, the Commissioners considered the following items:

* Accept for recording all payroll changes. Motion by Ferguson, second by Crittenden, ayes unanimous.

* Approval of county payroll. Motion by Ferguson, second by Crabtree, ayes unanimous.

* Approval of Budget Amendments. No action taken.

* Approval of Accounts Payable. Commissioner Crittenden asked for and received clarification on the bond forfeitures, line item 202. After the disbursement of funds coming into the county from bail bondsmen was explained, he seemed satisfied. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Ferguson, and seconded by Campbell. The ayes were unanimous.

* Approval to accept various Court documents including audit reports, bonds, oaths, deputations and certificates. Motion to approve by Crittenden, seconded by Crabtree, ayes unanimous.

* Approval to accept for recording the monthly report of State and County taxes. Motion to approve was made by Crabtree, seconded by Crittenden, ayes unanimous.

The floor was opened at the beginning of the meeting for public comment, and one county resident rose to speak.

Russell Mcfadin, a resident of Glenwood Acres, addressed what he called character assassination at last month's Commissioners Court meeting.

He refrained from going into details or naming names, choosing instead to thank the Court for the opportunity of presenting his side of what has been a long running dispute between certain residents of the subdivision and the Glenwood Acres Landowners Association.

The subdivision is in Upshur Precinct #1, Commissioner Crittenden's precinct.


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