Shake-Up At Glenwood Acres
Raucous Landowner's meeting sees two GALA board members removed, one resignPictured: Russell McFadin (left) addresses the GALA Board members (L-R) Linda Moore, Larry Pugh, Jason Lundy
GLENWOOD, TX Feb. 14, 2009 -- In the end, it came down to 65 disputed proxy votes.
Saturday's meeting of the Glenwood Acres Landowner's Association (GALA) was chaotic from beginning to end. The call to order, scheduled for 2:00 p.m., was delayed by 35 minutes to settle questions of media access and member's voting status.
Members of the press were initially turned away at the association's clubhouse door, being told that the meeting was closed.
County Commissioner James Crittenden, attending at the request of landowners, and despite notice from GALA board members that his presence would not be welcome, took exception to the exclusion and sided with the media.
"It's an open meeting, unless they go into executive session." said Crittenden.
After discussions between Board President Jason Lundy, Crittenden and Precinct 1 Constable Russell Haris, it was decided to allow the media inside.
Controversy then quickly moved to the matter of determining which landowners were current on their dues, and therefore allowed to vote. The issue centered on several residents who were denied voting privileges for being delinquent on association dues.
The residents involved disputed that, saying they were current on a payment plan, approved by the board, that was supposed to allow them to catch up on back dues while staying current on the present ones.
"I pay my dues, and a half payment on back dues every month. I am not behind on my dues, and I demand to be allowed to vote today." said Glenwood resident Ellen Stone. Stone said she and her husband, Danny, have been landowners at the Glenwood Acres development for ten years.
Another resident, Tammy Spurger, said she had been on the same payment plan since 2000. She said GALA office manager Cindy Gill had told her Friday that the plan was no longer in effect.
But Mrs Gill and GALA board member Linda Moore, saying that all dues had to be current to vote, firmly refused to give voter numbers to the two women.
Even the call to order was not without controversy. With about 100 people in attendance, and landowners noisily demanding the meeting to start, Lundy stated that he was waiting for the final determination of voter status to begin. David Liedtke, who would be a vocal participant throughout the meeting, pointed to the entrance foyer and said "There's no one left out there, sir. There's no one left."
When Lundy still did not call the meeting to order, board Secretary Billy Sipes did.
With no announced agenda present, landowner Russell McFadin immediately made a motion, which was promptly seconded from the floor, to remove Lundy as board President. When Lundy did not call for discussion on the motion, McFadin demanded the board's Vice President, Larry Pugh assume control of the meeting.
Lundy then assented to the vote, and called for a show of hands. McFadin himself took the count, 37 for removal, and 35 against. Mcfadin then stated he had 17 proxy votes to cast, bring the total to 52 votes for removal. Lundy countered by saying they he controlled 65 proxies, and was casting them in favor of his staying on.
When McFadin asked if Lundy's proxies were notarized, Lundy responded that they didn't have to be. Amidst cries from the floor contradicting Lundy, McFadin then asked Sipes whether he, as board Secretary, would accept proxies that weren't notarized.
Sipes said that he would not, citing an inability to confirm the documents had indeed by signed by valid GALA voters. Prevented from casting proxy votes that would have saved his position, Lundy then left the room, to applause from about half of the landowners present.
McFadin then pressed Larry Pugh, board Vice President, to assume control of the meeting as acting President. Pugh, who's board term expired yesterday and was facing a vote himself, declined to assume the role, saying he held a full time job and didn't have the time to devote to the position. Pugh then also left.
At that point, Billy Sipes assumed the role as acting board President.
A motion from the floor to install a new board by landowner vote was entered, then withdrawn as discussion turned in favor of appointing an election committee to identify candidates and issue ballots. It was not immediately decided when that election might occur.
An unidentified landowner then asked if McFadin wanted to dissolve the GALA board. McFadin responded that he wanted to "do the will of the people", and that "the majority rules."
Sparks flew several time during the contentious meeting. At one point, McFadin drew fire from Glenwood Acres developer Charles Snider. McFadin stated that Snider, who is not a board member, had recently been allowed in the association's office, which is supposed to be off limits to the general public.
"I have never been in that damned office" Snider angrily replied. A call by McFadin to remove Snider from the meeting for using profanity was largely ignored.
Correction: in the original version of this story, Mr. Charles Snider's name was misspelled.
Shortly after that, Moore, also taking issue with statements by McFadin, hotly told him "you're trying to make a mockery of me, and I'm sick of it."
Another allegation by McFadin, though, did result in action. His statement that board member Paul Gill had been voted off the board in November, and inappropriately reappointed by Lundy, drew a denial from Moore. She stated that there had not been a motion made to remove Gill at the November meeting, making the vote taken invalid.
McFadin, however, had documented support on the point. Several landowners produced copies of the minutes of that meeting, taken by Moore, that flatly stated a motion had been made and seconded, and that the vote to remove Gill had been recorded. Moore then stated that if she had written that, she had been in error.
McFadin then called for a vote to remove Gill, but before any counting had started, Liedtke noted that since Gill wasn't a board member, he didn't need to be voted off.
Gill then unceremoniously rose and left, to scattered applause.
Clyde Brown, a Glenwood land owner for 28 years then rose, and asked the assembly "What has happened to us?. It's just like our big government" he said. "Greed!" His comments drew approval from the majority of those gathered.
Billy Sipes then noted that, with the removals and departures, a quorum of the board was not present.
But many in attendance disagreed, loudly proclaiming that a board quorum wasn't needed, since a quorum of Landowners was present.
Linda Moore then asked for the floor, and addressed the issue of court actions the board had taken against landowners for failure to keep their property clean. Saying the board had landowners support for the action, she singled out Mrs. Pat Floyd as one of the original supporters and signatories of the petition that spurred the actions.
Correction: Mrs. A.C. Floyd's comments during this exchange have been corrected.
Mrs. Floyd, wife of board Member At Large A.C. Floyd, and a supporter of board reform, responded by claiming that Moore had probably been inebriated. Her response drew a charge of lying from Moore.
Other landowners then rose, claiming the drive to reform the board wasn't just about the lawsuits. Issues over improper board expenditures for a tractor, and improper loans made by the board to certain association members were raised against a noisy background of disagreement.
Ron Cook gained the floor to question why the board needed the services of Attorney Tim Cariker, and said he wanted the lawyer's contract terminated. As discussion continued, Moore rose and stated that it had been her pleasure to serve on the board, and that she was tendering her resignation.
"Thank you" said McFadin curtly. "Leave your office keys on the way out".
Landowners then concluded discussion on Cariker, and a motion to terminate his contract was made, seconded a carried by vote.
With the number of active board members now down to two, Acting President Sipes then stated that he was going to appoint a temporary board to allow the association to continue doing business while elections were organized.
Asking for volunteers, Sipes appointed board members as they indicated their willingness.
Landowners Russell McFadin, David Nix and Clyde Brown were all appointed by Sipes on a temporary basis. Sipes designated Clyde Brown as Vice President and David Nix as board Secretary.
Sipes pledged the temporary board would not take any major actions outside of terminating Cariker's contract, performing a one year audit of the association's finances, securing the clubhouse building and nominating election committee members.
McFadin then said that he wanted to replace Cindy Gill with a new office manager, one who was not associated in any way with the board, and who could be bonded, as the secretary handled money daily.
Sipes agreed with the idea of a bonded employee, but stated a more immediate need would be to arrange for someone to open the association's office and perform general duties there.
Clarice Stratton, a landowner who has worked in the office before, was asked if she might fill the position temporarily. Saying she would as long as landowners understood that she might not be up to speed on everything, she was designated by Sipes as an interim office secretary.
Another landowner, Gary Man, then rose to speak in support of those board members who had been removed, and to speak out against landowners who did not pay their dues.
"Shame on you!", Man said. "Loafers don't pay their dues. ... They (the removed board members) were trying to get things going again."
The temporary board members then withdrew into an executive session, emerging about 15 minutes later to adjourn the meeting.
Outside, emotions still ran high. Landowners who supported Lundy gathered to call the meeting a "farce" and a "travesty". More than one promised that Lundy would have their support in the new elections, whenever they are held.
Others, happy with the outcome, promised to band together, offering labor and equipment to help neighbors clean up their lots.
After the meeting, Sipes told the Advocate that the process of performing the promised one year audit had been made more difficult by the parting refusal of Cindy Gill to give him the password to the association's computer.
"We'll have to hire a computer guru, or somebody to help us with that", he said.
This is all very rediculous; this community or "sub devision", and I say sub devision very loosely, has always had a bad reputation for not only their various legal issues and poor leadership but also for their general low class of tenants and "dump" like properties. I understand, if the homeowners association is not holding to their responsiblities-the people have the right to overturn the board members but please, if that is in fact what the tenants decide to do-good, but make something of it and clean up your properties, be of better character, do right by your neighbors, and please stay out of the papers and off of the news!! This topic is tired and I for one am sick of hearing about it.
We are thrilled!!!!
McFaddin is Kickin A?? and taking names. And we are loving it.
Wouldn't it be great if you elected a new board from nominations selected by a nominations committee to form a new board to fulfill all the work that has been previously set forward to reinforce the by-laws,
restrictions, and court ordered payment of dilenquent dues, so that
you could really Clean Up your community?
well let me start out with a thank you to the advocate for being a responsible news journalist advocate.Mr Spell when you get a physical paper you will have a dedicated bunch of subscribers here in the Acres sir.I have been asked also to say thank by a large number of folks.
I would like to say thank you to all of the community for coming out and showing support for either side of the issues as what we had was a coming together of the community and I believe that these numbers will grow from here on landowner meetings and the board meetings will start to grow in monthly numbers as well.
in response to the court the court order payments.
I may be mislead here the court order no one to make payments.The court has only at this time either judge for the assn. with a judgement or ruled against the assn.
But in no means way fashion or form did the court set up payments.When you receive a judgement there are 3 ways that you can proceed to get your money if one still refuses to pay.
these laws are very specific in nature.
What is so so much more important that trying and or have sued someone over back dues is to have dialogue with folks and encourage them to pay willingly.
Never force anyone to do anything against there will unless it is absolutely the very last resort and if you do you best be holding all the trumps.
Lets say that the prior board did come to the understanding of 4 yrs in back dues is all that can be collected, that's 720 dollars.
Did anyone receive a letter describing the way out of debt from the past debts that a landowner may have more than 720 due the assn.
Most everyone is happy to pay there bills.So in this situation the rule has to be applied to all and I mean every landowner should receive a letter stating what this 4 year rule that Judge Delaney did indeed speak of on the evening news I believe was on 19 CBS without double checking.
So if you took 35 to 40 percent is what was said in the Dec 08 board meeting was good standing member ratio and you sent these letters and information out to all how they can get current and you doubled your income from dues by 35 to 40 more percent and you didn't have to use an attorney who is ahead now.
The board,attorney,or is it all the landowners.So then you may or may not have 20 percent that is not into compliance of the dues and for what ever various reasons of how they feel or just will not contact you back to help bring resolve to these matters.
I personally believe that the 20 percent margin can be scaled down to 5 percent.So then if an attorney is indeed the case maybe 5 percent would need to be looked at not 60 to 65 percent of our neighbors.In turn the 5 percent which is hypothetical may have never even or only seen this lot or lots they bought once in there life or it may be in an estate with several people involved.
Just some thoughts Russell
I do not know the percent of dilenquent Landowners compaired to those in good standing, but the payments did double after the Association advised the dilenquent owners that the Court had ruled that there was a Statute of Limitations on past due accounts more than 4 years old, leaving only $720.00 that could be assessed in a judgement.
the Association lost litterly thousands because in the past they waited too long to file suit for collection of dilenquent accounts.
I have been told that on Russell mcFadin's account alone it was over $6000.00 but the 4 year limitation statute left him a judgement of only $720.00.
This is only one of the reasons we
need a new election for a board to continue with the collection process and the enforcement of the newly posted by-laws of the Association.
"McFaddin is Kickin A?? and taking names. And we are loving it"
LOL. how funny. I bet you all are so happy you got your ways. this is ridiculous! I think my property value just dropped 20 percent.
I so glad someone started typing for mcfadin. i was getting headaches trying to read his blogs!
Just terrible, and this guy is on out board now? What? Seriously?
So who is going to start typing up the monthly Glenwood newsletter? Mc Fadin i vote you should. And i second that also. "Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:51 pm Re: if my assumption of who you are is wrong i do apologize " All Mcfadin does is assume and look what he has done. Dude get a grip.
Maybe the "sub-division" should become a whole other assn.
By Russell Mcfadn------I tink tat we shuld b 2gether n tis.we suld stand up fore wat we beleve n!too whom it may consern! russell mcfadn
"Anonymous said...
Maybe the "sub-division" should become a whole other assn.
By Russell Mcfadn------I tink tat we shuld b 2gether n tis.we suld stand up fore wat we beleve n!too whom it may consern! russell mcfadn"
Russell; That would be a whole new set of circumstances, because to change the Association, you would have to change the Restrictions that were imposed on the property before anyone bought it. Knowing you, you would probably go to the Commissioners and the Judge again and again to change it, but they would tell you that the restrictions can only be changed ba a majority vote of the owners, 51% and that is only after 25 years which has passed and then on the 10th aniversity of that date.
Why don't you instead try to get a legal nominating committee and start a legal movement for a Special Election for a permanent board so that the Association might recover from the dammage you have already done???
Can't get logged in. GalaGuy
Sir Gala Guy ,
If all you want to do is find fault in my grammar and spelling that is your right to do so.If you find my honesty questionable dis prove me sir.I will tell you like I have told this past board and and other boards and the members that I am and willing to debate all on these matters.
I have requested meeting after meeting with the board it has not happened.Now sir do understand that these request did go thru the office and did have a signed received by signature.Along with a date and other means to prove these acts did happen.
Just a quick note;;;
I did have to decide with my limited education to either remain silent here in these type of forums and the publishing of physical writings and I did indeed sir believe it was in the best interest of my family and all my neighbors and for myself as well to do the best that I possible can in informing people so if you find it in your heart to make fun and lol about it that's your right whom ever you may be this is America Land of the Free and home of the Brave.
russell mcfadin
Now Mr Snider Just so you know You will be getting a letter on here published so that all may read it and you as well.I have been prepared to write just wasnt sure which way you would go again.But as I do see right and wrong has nothing to do with it.As long as the Snider Brand stays impowered all is good.
Charles Snider sir this must be bringing back memories from the 70's were Mr M I Davis was involved with you and Joe Snider.Its all about a power struggle and money.Must be like reliving a night mare all over again.
I may be miss reading your last two articles sent thru the mail.Sir I will be your huckleberry. If you so strongly feel I did break the law then haul me into court force the power play you seek get into to court as you are very aware that my funds are limited but i will be so very happy to counter your suit and or suits that are brought by the Snider Brands.So you know times have changed and I am not M I Davis and sir you will not win because of time, time is the true testament of all these matters they show pattern after pattern.
Just a quick note!
You and Joe didn't beat Davis in court with a jury trial at hand he was awarded like 23 or 28 awards against the Sniders.It did come to a total in in 1975 I believe without going and getting files out to $453,000 dollars but the Snider Brothers appealed it and was over turned in 1978 by the 12th circuit court of appeals.
Look Snider all of your friends are gone from office now that helped you through the years just as County Judge Dean Everette did in the cause of pulling several lots of of phase 5 .The record of fact states that it was going to happen no matter what.That's why for those who don't know why phase 5 has been re-platted.
Now Snider is that why you are wanting to go after the county commissioner of precinct 1 because he is not in your back pocket and nor will he be in any ones pocket.Mr James Crittenden is a honest sincere servant for all the people in his precinct and a just man doing the will of all the people.Not one particular party or person.
Charles Snider how dare you take out your frustrations on others while you are having a tissie about me sir. Keep the issue with me and about me to me and do not let it harm the citizens of this community. Do not cause none of our elected officials any harm that you later could be held liable for sir.
Snider you called for the District Attorney to investigate these matters sir i have tried and tried to get help from the county about these very issues and they all say the same thing get an attorney get an attorney.So if they investigate for you then they all best be prepared to do as I have called for and do what is in the files I have turned into them.Then they can explain to the people why they are now doing as Charles Snider says to do.But when the common citizens needed that same help it would not be afforded.
What you are causing yes The Snider Brand is to get these matters into District Court.
As such the court will rule in a just manner that the CC&R;s have been abandoned and the bylaws not enforced except when and against whom certain ones are its called picking and choosing,single-ling certain ones will lose.The law is just and in these matters the people will be set free by acts of your very own demise Charles so get the boycott going you have called for.Stand firm on tell your whipping boy Lundy not to give up there signatures and his regime under your control not to produce the passwords and sign off on all proper documents.Sir in the end you will be the one to have caused the end to the Glenwood Acres Landowners Association,Inc.
You will be held liable as my intention was to lead for a reform and change as to have a new day a new dawning and to cause our leadership to be more compassionate to the people for the people and by the people.
Sir there are lots and lots of people out here that have fresh ideas as we do live in a new millenium so must our rules and attitudes must change and the way the west was won is of days gone by.
Why would you sir not wont to let a new generation come into lead in a different way that could well prove to be more prudent than the ways of old and bring old members into compliance and get them in and into paying their delinquent dues and have those very people on the board and or sub committees as you all have stated for years and years none will volunteer so you cant fill a seat if there is none that will volunteer. Well sir of the 5 sub committees(5x5=25 minimun seats) I already have 18 names to fill in those vacant seats and those where in place either before Sat.the 14th or on that day itself.
Now are you sure you want the power struggle Mr Charles Snider
V P of Glenwood Acres sir are you the V P of a dissolve business or what where is glenwood acres registered business license at.
Is it out of your house which in the cc&r;s says one cannot operate a business,to be more specific it says no commercial activity so sir you do not again have to abide by what you helped set in place my my.
Charles you have sent thru the mail property listing an address that you do not have the authority to be listing or using it in itself is deceptive and fraudulent in nature and is untrue.
Now sir you spoke of a class action law suit please be aware that if the Association is boycotted you and all of your followers could be held singularly or severally liable to the people.
I am limited time this morning I will be writing more after while.
Thanks Russell McFadin
Dream on Russell ! ! !
Mr Snider what is it that I should be dreaming on about sir?
Dream on about a better Association with a legal board of directors and enough dues paying members to successfully operate it.
Ok Mr Snider so is it your intention to dissolve the association by asking for the boycott?
Russell; To dissolve the Association would be the last thing I would suggest. See a copy of my letter below asking the landowners to hold their dues until we knew we were going to have a legally elected Board of Directors at which time I suggested we should replace the dues with held and vote for a board to carry on the business of the Association.
To; Glenwood Acres Property Owners
Subject: Illegal Election of Board Members
Fellow Property Owners;
I attended the Glenwood Acres Land Owners meeting on Feb. 14, 2009
and in my opinion it was never legally opened, but instead turned
into a Fiasco run by Russell McFadin who started a movement several
months ago to remove the president, Jason Lundy, from the board.
After more than half the members present left the meeting they
decided to elect new member to fill out the board after asking the
president to step down & then three of the other board members
By this time there was no quorum and I decided to also leave.
In my opinion this leaves us with an illegal board in place, and one
or their major complaints with the previous board was that they used
the Court to try to get judgments on property owners who would not
pay their dues.
In order to try to have a proper special election, with an election
committee to provide a list of nominations for Directors of the
Association, I propose that we , the Concerned Citizens of Glenwood
Acres, withhold our dues until we have such an election, at such
time we could catch up & resume our dues so that our association
could run in a normal manner.
It should not take more than 60 to 90 days for the present illegal
board to have an almost TOTAL financial awakening.
If we do not stand up to this piracy or treason, WHO will? ? ? This
boycott of the illegal Board of Directors will be very prompt and
effective if we stand United ! ! ! NOW ! !
Charles Snider
Mr Snider under your advise by boycotting the association you are in effect causing the closing of said business as it can not nor will it be able to do its daily functions sir.
The Board attorney has the recogniged the new board sir.or are you calling him a liar sir?
Is it your ideal that if you do not approve of what is or has happened that it is illegal.
So that means if you do not approve of it it cant be right!Their is an election committe that has a chair in it Mr Snider and we will have a dually authorized elections of all 6 seats sir.So now what do you approve of that or not sir?
Russell, it is not for me to approve or not what this board does.
What Attorney has recognised this board as a legal board? When the Landowners accept this board and agree to vote the nominations submitted, then I certainly will accept it. I think we will need the nominating committee to mail out notices that nominations will be accepted, and where, and by what date, so that the ballots can be prepared, registered and mailed to the paid up land owners so that we can have an election exactly like the one that Mr. Poulson executed when he was Chairman of the Election Committee before.
What is all comes to is that I will not approve nor will most land owners approve an election that is not executed to the letter of the by-laws. A normal election would be next Feb. but now it would probable take a Special Election? Again, Who is the Board Attorney you have referred to?
Thank you.
Mr Snider It is your right to except the facts or not.That is your right but sir you can get off your high horse about follow by laws to the letter when those you have had empowered for years and years have not. So now you want to holler I think the word some one used was fowl.I have been trying for years to get the Association to follow the CC&r's and bylaws and they have not been.Now after 30 + years you will not recognize if they are not.
Mr Snider on the attorney what difference does it make.or if you know who it is are you gonna be making calls and changing their minds as it wouldn't be the first time that ole phone has been cranked up huh!
Now MR Snider You have stated several times that you had released your rights to the association as developer and if indeed you did do this when did that happen sir in about what year and is their any documentation of such sir?
Russell; I thought you had investigated all the details of the history of the Developer and the Association, You have quoted what you call facts so much I am surprised you do now ask me when
the Association Corporation was turned over to the land owners.
If you will check further you will find that the land owners filed suit against M.I Davis, I think in
the year of 1975 because they thought he might mis-appropriate the funds like he did to the Glenwood Acres Corporation when we had to foreclose on his notes because he did not make the payments to the Bank and drew the monies himself.
The Association dues were collected by Glenwood Acres along with lot payments, and turned over to an accounting firm, W.A.Hewell CPA in Longview and was used to pay maintenance expenses but managed by the developer until there were enough landowners to form a board and operate it.
My Brother and I foreclosed on Mr.Davis's notes which were pledged with the stock of the corporation.
We took over operation of the Development in 1975, but never operated the Association.
So you see, all your accusation of my controlling the previous officer of the Association was purely your speculation ! ! !
Russell, I think the whole County, State and surrounding communities have heard all your speculation,ideas, questions,etc,
and would like to know just how and when we will have information on how we will have a legal election.
I have suggested that they no longer pay dues until they get those answers.
I will and I am sure that the concerned landowners will also catch up their dues so that they can vote in such an election.
Until then I will have to take leave from our little chats because I have to drive to M.D.Anderson in Houston, a 5 hour drive, every Monday for my wife's Chemo & Clinical Trial Treatments
every Tuesday, and then 5 hours back every Wend.
In the mean time why do you not try as hard to get the Board back in an acceptable condition, so that the Association can get back to it's own business.
Thank you
Russell, Sorry about having to cut our chat short, but I made a mistake, I have to leave this week tomorrow, because they have scheduled an extra day, Monday, for Cat Scans and Xrays etc. because this is the 8th week.
Mr Snider I asked when you gave up your developers rights as you have stated to me that you have done so.I have asked for affirmation or documentation of this.So far today is the best answer you have come up with.
MR Snider let me see if I cant get the jury award letter out that I am referencing about and I will post it on the galaresidents blog site for you maybe that will refresh your memory.
Russell; I thought you had investigated all the details of the history of the Developer and the Association.
Now Mr Snider thats a pretty big assumption that I had investigated
Now sir that would be a mighty big task.Lets keep it real and dont exagerate the facts.
Their is still folks living that remember what happened so long ago.AS is their are the court records,and news paper micro films at the library.
Now lets dont leave out 1978 either.
because they thought he might mis-appropriate the funds like he did to the Glenwood Acres Corporation
Well it seems that there has been a conspiracy theory that never had proof in it because here we go you said.
You totally side steped the 453,000 dollar award.Not surprising to me though.
Thank you for your comments sir;
Well sir we wish your wife the best on the health issues. Your family is in our daily prayers.
If we can help your family in this time of need please let us know.
The McFadins
"You totally side steped the 453,000 dollar award.Not surprising to me though."
Just to help you understand, We had enough faith in the Court System that we posted a $500,000.00 CD to the Dist. Clerk to cover the jury award, so that we could go on an do business in Glenwood Acres, selling property, until the Appeals Court overturned the unjust verdict.
Any other criticism Sir? I will try to answer any of your accusations when I return from M.D. Anderson.
The Advocate would be very interested in speaking in person with Mr. Snider to get his side of this story, as well as to chronicle the formation, activities and boycott actions of the "Concerned Citizens of Glenwood Acres".
Mr. Snider, if you would contact the Advocate, there is a place here the fair coverage of your side of this story.
Click on the 'Contact Us' button at the top of the page for contact info.
DeWayne Spell
DeWayne; I do not have a side of the story to tell, I have just about answered all the questions asked. If I confused anyone by saying "Concerned Citizens of Glenwood Acres", please forgive me
I only ment citizens of Glenwood Acres, or fellow landowners of Glenwood Acres when I suggested that Dues Paying members should with hold their dues until such time we could get this 'Interim'
Board of Directors to execute an election to restore the oppereation of the Associaton to the majority of the Landowners.
Charles Snider
So does this mean Mr Snider that according to the facts at hand that happened in December when you yourself was present and Cindy Gill the office manager stated that there was only 35-40% paid there dues.Sir that is not a majority.Anything less than 50% is not a majority at least that's my understanding of a majority.
So I can understand better Mr Snider is it that you will ask your concerned citizens or fellow citizens to pay their dues when there is an election committee formed or when their is an election date set or after the election is done and the ones who you approve of are elected back into office sir?
Sir if you could be more detailed, I believe it would be beneficial to all to understand your ideology
Mr Snider on your comment dated Feb.21,2009 @ 4:47 pm
Sir you referenced the attorney twice.Once as just what attorney and the second was asking who was the board attorney I referred to.
Sir I must acknowledge you here that it is an attorney that you have had a vested interest in in the matters of the yellow clean up letter that was run in the newspapers and is posted on both entrances into the subdivision.
Sir will you be denying the fact that their was a BBQ meal at the Clubhouse as select individuals were invited to and the meal was provided by an attorney?The topic was about the cleanup and what and how to do it!Was this not a private meeting?Was it an executive board meeting? If it was not private why was it not posted as a Special Meeting.
Sir if it was not a private secrecy meeting or an executive meeting why was the whole subdivision not invited as this does pertain to us all.Maybe the special question here is what qualifies one to be invited to these type of inside meetings.
Mr Snider the attorney I am referencing is the one you had insight information with about several matters and the going owns out here.Due you not believe in his authority.
Sir unless I can't read he wrote: I have heard the new board may have encountered some computer and banking problems.(he goes on there
to state that he can help resolve quickly the computer and banking
problems) So sir the attorney I am addressing has recognized that the old board of Lundy as president is no longer en place and that there is different members to the board sir.
Shall further meetings with this attorney be addressed as to where meetings were held and who was their and who was not privy to.
Sir one last thing in this yellow cleanup letter can you please explain to the people as to when the vote was taken either by the landowners or the board and if was done by the board who was the members present and how did they vote.Please be plain about the quorum of the board here on the votes to give this yellow cleanup letter authority.
Mr Snider I truly do await and anticipate your quick response to these questions as you seem very willing to be truthful and in your willingness to speak here as we all appreciate you for your candor sir.
(Special question who contacted who the board contact the attorney or did the attorney contact the board)( some may be surprised here )
Thank you in advance
Russell McFadin
2/23/2009 3:27 PM
Articles of Incorporation State
Article Eight;;;;
No member shall have any vested or beneficial interest in the assets
of the corporation, and in the event of dissolution the assets of the
corporation, if any,shall be distributed to an exempt non-profit
organization selected by the directors of Glenwood Acres Landowners
Association then in office... their sir is the fine print.
Article Four states that;;;;
The purpose for which the corporation is organized is the promotion
of the common athletic and social activities which may be deemed
useful and advantageous to the members and their families.
witnessed on 21st day December 1971
stamped by Secretary of State
DEC 27TH 1971
This is a question that was posed on the yahoo blog website and i am making it avliable for every one.
>>>> this was my response to the statement in question<<<<<<
Does some one have something in particular they wanna say about character and background?
With elections coming up I want to know who I am voting for and if they
> have the character an background to doing the right thing even noone is
> watching - not just when it suits them.
> I would be interested to know if what was reported was true or not -
> cause I find it hard to believe.
Just which part do you have trouble believing?
please be specific and I will readdress what you want to know.
Maybe you are not aware that i have stated several time that i will meet with the board singularly,as a whole or the whole subdiviosion and answer all questions even with short notic ei will make myself avaliable.
I refuse to be anonomous here or anywhere else i use my god given name at all times.
But you may feel the need to stay anonomous and i will respect that.Just get to the specific question you want to ask me.
Thank you in advance
Russell McFadin
>>>>>this was the question<<<<<<<
--- In Galaresident, wrote:
> I read in the Upshur Advocate that someone said one of our members had
> $6000 owing in back dues but cause it is only aloud to go back 4 years
> you only had to pay $720. Is this true?
> I find it dificult to believe cause that would mean you hadnt payed
> your dues on a property for over 33 years. Even If you have 2 propertys
> that would still mean over 16 years of not paying.
> If this is true could someone please tell me why this happened. Why
> would anyone not pay there dues for so long unless they didnt care
> about this place or they were to hard up. Now I know we have some hard
> times at the moment but it hasnt been like this for all the time it
> takes to get a $6000 bill. If this is true it is not respectful of
> landowners who do pay ever month. If it is not true then shame on that
> person who wrote that.
> With elections coming up I want to know who I am voting for and if they
> have the character an background to doing the right thing even noone is
> watching - not just when it suits them.
> I would be interested to know if what was reported was true or not -
> cause I find it hard to believe.
Property Owners Meeting VIA" Internet"
Maybe this is the only way some property members will get involved, they sure do not come to the clubhouse when the board needed them.
The average count of people at the highest would be maybe 20 .. except when Jason put that maybe dues would go up in the news letter.He brought you ran in !! and why do you think that was put in the news letter? you don't have a clue? well it was to try get you to a Properly Owners Meeting"get you involved ! and he did it too!! Jason a job well done..and with all this hateful blogging just maybe what this temporary board has done.. has done some GOOD!.. Get involved at the property Owners meetings"
The board has worked hard trying to clean up the Acres, and just because they got down and dirty to really get to the TRASH. cleaned up. They have been" ATTACKED"..for trying to do something that needed to be done YEARS AGO"!..ask yourself.. when has any board done this? Then these same people CRY when they are ordered to clean up read Article #12 of the deed restrictions? On that certain property that was you know it was actually almost all cleaned up? This was a severe fire hazard"then the trash men of Glenwood Acres..( who ever did it?) piled LOADS back to it..
The real board members that cared about "Glenwood Acres" want you to know what has been done in the past 3 years ,"yes some want to comment about the here is the good!,Thank YOU" all who have donated their time, blood, sweat and now tears. being on the board is all volunteer. Board members that are off the board, in past 3 years.Thank You did a lot..and Thank You property owners that helped with many projects donating time and materials with no charge.
Just look at this list,a lot could not have been possible without your help of "YOU the Landowners "
Office updated,New computer with plenty of memory laser printer for invoices,copier for newsletter instead of paying for it, postage meter ,ramps to north lake pier and clubhouse patio,new message boards at both entrances,new signs at front and back gate "Welcome to Glenwood Acres" requested by landowners",BBQ pits at west lake, lakes tested twice a year to make sure they are safe, swings fixed at north lake,The camera system this stopped the vandalizing at the pool and caught the kids from damaging more. A awning was put up at the pool so monitors could get out of the sun,,replaced pool pumps and filters, pool was re-surfaced with new concrete, pool fence repaired and some replaced,floor repaired by deck of the pool area,North lake fishing deck re painted,repaired and re stained all the redwood signs for directions,cleared out bridle path trails on back of west lake for walkers and ATV riders..again Thank You who helped",Water well re-drilled and new pump and pipe to put water back in west lake during a drought,with a new 6` fence around the well again," Thank you Property owner" that donated materials and sweat,
We the board decided to replace the old tractor with hydraulics problems, old tires that would not hold air, it needed to be retired, rather than to keep investing money into it.It would cost more to fix and got one with a warranty on and maintenance free with a local dealership. Board members new it would be purchased at a local dealership with a warranty.." It was a unanimous agreement of the board to get the tractor,Gate built across north lake boat ramp,oil dirt several loads hauled into parking lot at clubhouse,asphalt rock hauled in at north lake boat ramps,repaired fence on back baseball field to stop traffic from tearing up the field, horse shoe pits made,SOCIAL EVENTS,for the property owners and for the children, free breakfast and lunches a big success. Easter Bunny, Santa, 4th of July fireworks ,Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners,
Fathers day" had a softball game , only a few showed up but what a day of fun.many more events...I know a lot is left out, 3 years is a long time.
The Board brought in more revenue by setting up payment plans, and taking people to court,clean up efforts were underway,by sending landowners 6 months to come into compliance."NOW THEY ARE ATTACKED FOR THIS"..
The board tried to get Landowners to come forward for election meeting in November NO One" would" so the election was canceled because again the lack of properly owners to support the board, but want to complain on what is done.
Landowners this is
So see landowners of Glenwood Acres the board have made a lot of improvements in the past 3 years
"Please do your duty and come to vote in person and this does require a notarized proxy if you cant attend" and then "SUPPORT THEM" use your judgement when electing them, and God Bless you ALL"
The average count of people at the highest would be maybe 20 .. except when Jason put that maybe dues would go up in the news letter.He brought you ran in !! and why do you think that was put in the news letter? you don't have a clue? well it was to try get you to a Properly Owners Meeting"
That thank you is what has caused so much of this current issues at hand lies,deceitfulness,doing as one wants and most important the arrogance of the anonymous saying that it was all to get you to come to a property owners meeting.See that meeting was held in December therefor it could not be a (property owners meeting) it has always been called a landowners meeting but none the less that meeting in DEC. was indeed a board members meeting open to all to come to.Lundy himself said it was a board meeting and he doesn't have to listen and he can adjourn.See that is just arrogance.
As this was just the case in January case in point 6 minute meeting!
What an embarassment to the community of Glenwood and Upshur County. What started off as an effort to clean up "Crimewood Acres" turned quickly to be personal vendettas, and the landowners suffer once again.
What has been accomplished now or what was accomplished with prior boards? What's there to hide with no passwords and records being given? What exactly do our dues pay towards in our community? Social parties were for a select few to 'party' at the Clubhouse when private parties could and should have been held at private homes. What a waste!
Complete financial audits need to take place. Since passwords and information sharing is not taking place - most likely, there is something there that someone is trying to hide. GALA residents probably paid for alot more than ever reported in the newsletters and landowner's meetings.
What was a conflict of interest was ADT"S system was canceled for no
reason after Pugh got on the board.
The ADT system was hit by lightning, the cost to repair it was enormous" ADT does not cover lightning damage in their maintenance contract, you have to file with your insurance company "Brinks is the only security company that covers Lightning damage in their maintenance contract " Larry was asked to give them an estimate and it was half of what ADT`S proposal was.The Brinks contract has a maintenance agreement and now are covered with everything, even service calls ,equipment failure. and lightning damage
the security belongs to the acres" NOTHING to do with the camera system. I will also let you know I do not buy harbor freight anything" 2 cameras were donated and I have no idea by who?.
ADT charges I believe are $75.00 for a service call plus $15.00 every 15 minutes after that
The service call in question
This was a written proposal to re-adjust the cameras that were tampered with
it has not been repaired as yet as I do not expect to get paid for I`am a THIEF
However the first service call you can ask Russell about that one! and Larry did not charge for that one
do you want to tell Russell or do you want Larry's
technicians expert findings what he found?
But the camera system is in no part of that Security System it is separate
The service call in question was a bill for re-adjusting the cameras and the drive out there. Just as if you would call any repair man and
you all know its about the same price or more! they add a trip charge on top of this
I believe the contract is up with Brinks so you can call anyone you wish to take over, but it will cost Most equipment will not be compatible with another companies equipment I have nothing to gain either way,
ADT use to be local, the office was shut down, they do have technicians and salesmen, to call ADT you have to push many #S and takes forever to talk to a real person".
Larry has been in this business for 23 years"
Gregg Alarm, ADT, and now Armadillo Alarm by Brinks
Tyco/ADT Chief Executive Kozlowski, 58, the eight and a third to 25 years he got after for looting his former employer for hundreds of millions of dollars won't amount to the near-life sentence he would have likely received from the feds. That's because New York State guidelines give judges a lot more flexibility when handing down a sentence, in terms of both the number of years and follow-up matters such as parole and good behavior. Kozlowski and Swartz were convicted of grand larceny and securities fraud, among other charges. On the dark side, though--there's no Camp Cupcake minimum-security jails in the state prison system. It could be the likes of Attica or Sing Sing for both of them for however long they'll be up the river.The sentencing judge was Michael Obus, who also ordered Kozlowski and Swartz to pay a combined $134 million in restitution.
Mr Pugh you state that if I were behind you sir I have asked since 2007 and seven for a meeting with the board singlely severally and or the whole Assn. to address the issues that has come about sir how about you answer why this could have never happened.These request where made numerous times.
I will still have this meeting to address the issues.I did have one,two ,and three of them you was welcomed to two of them and you was not invited to the second one but one of Lundy;s whipping boys was!
Ty in Advance Sir for Your Prompt Reple;;;;
Russell McFadin
One more thing MR Pugh. Did you take your name off of the Spring Hill Bank Account?
Russell McFadin
The file of 1-21-09 showing the first good standing member list
I am sure that their will be some that doesn't understand why the posting of this file. In the same setting here their is a discussion had as about my rental account and some pretty damaging statements made by some.It is very clear that my rights were violated and that the paid office employee does lie.Blatant lies at that.Schemed so as to I would not receive a bill for my rental account and it goes on about the lawyer will deal with the travel trailers and folks living in out buildings when they start taking people to court.So you see this is not about clean up there motives are much more grand than that do not be deceived. I have emphatically stated since 2007 that I would and have made request to meet with the board individually severally as a whole and or the whole community to address the problems with myself.The only time the board made an attempt to meet with me was when I offered to pay 942 dollars and I did that and asked the whole board and and office manager that was privy to executive board meeting if their was anything they wanted to air not once but twice about anything.the key issues that lead to the impeachment of Lundy that I did was because of their lieing and deception.Then on 1-21-09 I learned that it was my fault on the rental account as Gill stated she deleted it as I had never mentioned or brought it up on Dec. 16Th. It was stated that I could have brought it up and since I didn't gill said she thought that it was OK as she had been pulling those kinds of bill out before sending them out.
She said she didn't know I had the bill till I came in on Dec. 19Th and replaced my post dated check with a cashiers check \.
Then I pulled out the rental account bill and all was hesitant for a moment as I knew this one would be a shocker as I figured they had tried to deceive me and just as I suspected that is what they have done to me thru lies and deception. The sending of a bill with late fees and all as i was prepared with cashiers check made out in the amount of 159 dollars. Gill stated that that wasn't a valid account.I have proof that it was in black and white and proof that the account was generated by her as well as audio where she stated she opened and closed it.So it was a valid account and to date all payments for that account have either been returned by mail or refused to except. The rental account has had money provided for it to be paid thru at least 2009 into 2010 year.all in the form of cashier checks.
Now Pugh states he doesn't know why she wont except them.Gill state that the board told her not to except my rental payments.Well here is the dilemma Pugh says he did not tell her that.Sipes says he didn't tell her that.Floyd states he didn't tell her that as well.Sipes and Floyd even state that i have a valid point on it as for it being legal.
So was it Lundy and Moore that told her not to because as we know Gill was on the board illegally.So anyway you want to figure it their was not a vote of the board about it inbetween the 16Th and the 19Th so it was done by individuals. Not the board with a legal Quorum Vote of the Board.
So again they say no one has ever been singled out.The board has always taken the High Road. Well my evidence says different.
written this the 2nd day of March 2009
By Russell McFadin
" HALLELUJAH " Mc MOUTH " is gone !! I think he got his "A$$ KICKED"
Maybe he has time to clean his place up now,by his blog doesn't look like it.. But when the election comes around.. last election they all wrote about themselves, Their accomplishments, e.t.c.." So we all know about " Mc MOUTH " if he tries to run ..So before you vote.. this probably will be done....looks like the board got tired of his help!..and maybe he can realize stress is the leading cause of heat attacks..and start "PICKING" up..and "SHUTTING UP".Save your Life Russell stop trying to ruin others Life".Supposedly he has had multiple heart attacks.. and wouldn't surprise me if he blames " Glenwood Acres on one..
Stress can be caused by a physical or emotional change, or a change in your environment that requires you to adjust or respond. Things that make you feel stressed are called "stressors."Stressors can be minor hassles, major lifestyle changes, or a combination of both. Being able to identify stressors in your life and releasing the tension they cause are the keys to managing stress.
Been a " BLOGGER" -- Is it too late to start exercising?
No, that's just one more reason to get moving. Even if you've already had a heart attack, a little exercise could save your life. A recent study published in the medical journal Circulation found that heart attack survivors who increased their activity levels were 90 percent more likely than inactive patients to be alive seven years after the attack!
Like I said on the yahoo blog site had nothing to do with help had to do with me stating the fact that Billy Sipes lied to David Liedtke about the security cameras being turned off.
Mr.Liedtke's family had it rented for one of their daughters as it was her birthday.Sipes flat out lied to the man and I called him on it plain and simple.The board had already been in agreement before the meeting to vote me out.
I am going to assume here and nothing more.
If we went behind the scenes and knew all the conversation and emails between Sipes and Mr board attorney as well as I know for a fact that he calls and receives calls from the Floyd's residences regularly(caritker)you will start to see the pattern of caritker advising sipes and floyd that(mostlikely along with the snider brand as well) mcfadin has to go.You do this and i will walk away from my contract which i am sure he had more than just a month to month clause as to if his services was terminated he would still draw some more money.
That's how lawyers work.That's just how it is.
( I feel pretty confident here that Sipes was advised by the Snider Brand that McFadin just has way to many issues as on teh 14th Annette Snider stated several times they can't put McFadin on the board,So I am sure that it was a rock and hard place for Sipes and just needed one thing to get the vote.Like I said it was a done deal before the meeting because it was decided over the phone from my source it had alraady been discussed)
So you see it had nothing to do with help.
Now lets go back to board meeting in 2008 where Sipes just got (appointed) to the board by Lundy.In this same meeting Lisa Burdette was Voted off the board and in the back ground you can hear Sipes telling Moore you do one you have to do the other Gill whom he is referring to.So now you know how Pual Gill came to be voted off the board if you believe me again its only assumption and speculation.So why does Sipes want Gill off the board.their is a flag pop up.Sipes got Moore to do it on the spur of the moment.Called controlling the actions.Sipes and Floyd had been talking a while at this point in fact I would bet that Floyd is the one that got Sipes to Volunteer.But hey its just my ideal of thinking.
So from reading the past and studying we know that Lundy's bunch and Floyd had been having some on going issues.Floyd new that he needed someone on his side.So now you know where Sipes came in to play at.
But Sipes is not happy with being in the middle he wants the power of the board as the leader I don't fault him since day one I met him he has a desire to try and be somebody to feel at the top the one that everyone answers to.
Now maybe Sipes ain't quite truthful when he says he never and or Floyd never took anything out of that office even so much as a pencil that ~~~~~didn't belong to us~~~~~.hence didn't.
Well maybe some documents I did receive that is date dalong that time shows different if indeed the security camera system was tampered with.One now will have to remember that in past days it has been stated that Floyd only had keys to building and not the office and he had a code for the brinks security system.Sipes has said he did not have a code for the brinks security system but he did have a key to the office and building.So it would take the two to get inside the office if what they say is true.Remember now we have one on each end .So if the truth always comes out in the end where will these two end up.
these were merely my ideas take them how you will.The curious part is to see who twist what up!
Now facts;;;;
I personally do not believe Sipes when he says he did not take anything from that office that didn't belong not even so much as a pencil.Poor Floyd caught up again.
Floyd according to you now your term expired the 14Th you never said a word.So you are on the Board illegally.Sipes you was appointed to the board by Lundy after a motion by Floyd no second and no vote was ever taken. Those are the facts.
This Association business is so screwed up and has been for years what is it that folks are so adimitly fighting for here to keep the Assn.?
So now that none are in a legal capacity of the temporary board what are we to do.
Now if you know what meeting I am referring to then think about what went on when Burdette and gill was voted off some very interesting facts I learned when listening to it for the first time on Monday March 2nd 2009.
One last thing when this started to unravel for y'all the first thing was to say you have to look at the character of the one. When that didn't work it went on to Paranoid Schizophrenia was insinuated and now the latest Sociopath have been associated towards my name.It still wont change the facts.You know in life when people have these real problems folks just stay away from them they think they area loose cannon so to say they go off the deep end go postal and things.Every one has seen that the lies you have put towards myself are just that lies and deception as to what the facts are.If I were any of them how would we be here today going thru the laws an legal proper way to do this so your accusations have no bases other than to be of a fictitious betrayal of the underlying matters that got us where we are today.
An again you don't have a clue as to whom I am because the very last thing you posted was as read Yes.. BUT Russell is in the "SPOT LIGHT"& LOVES IT"s;;; I prefer a way smaller quieter life than this that has been going on.I do not enjoy no such "SPOT LIGHT" here or anywhere.Nor do I "LOVES IT"S".
Look its real simple but as usual it is not comprehended all I have wanted was to be left alone.These folks either as board presidents board members or the Sniders of this world will not leave me alone.
I am here because of folks as yourself "xboard_memberwife" the solution was so simple.
I have still never been told as to why the Association has been so hard up to mess with me for years and years not just the Lundy regime they were just the ones that brought me into the spot light you talk about and with the help of Snider and Mr board attorney and the Longview News Journal then onto the Sunday Monday Tuesday events of Dec.2008.
Now I do have one specific question it has two parts,I would like answered by anyone that feels they would like to respond to it;;;;
1 St Question;
was it thought that I would just go away, move out,stay quite, ect...
2 ND Question;
Are you that have caused these issues with me satisfied with the results. Has it given you a sense of whom you are.Has the topic of McFadin had an increase in your appetite to cause depression and mental anguish and financial hardships more so than normal everyday life.Does it give you that feeling of self worth,control and the feeling of power.Maybe that hold something over your head stuff.(like Pugh referred to)
Russell McFadin
TO Glenwood Acres Landowners Assn. as well as;
Asking for a meeting to defend myself so my rights are not violated no further.
Chapter 15 In Roberts Rules of Order
Deals with Discipline problems.
Their are many steps that can be done to get resolve.
Billy Sipes himself was subjected to a censure and he fought against it in Larry Pughs office. He himself has stated this and at that time he was only the secratary on the board. Now that he is Interim president of the Board, the first time he had contraversy with a fellow board member he was a party to voting the member off the board so that shows that if you have your own ideas and opinions and they are different than his ideas as the temp. president then the ideal is to just get rid of that person.
Yes I did indeed call Sipes a liar.
Now in respect to that as me as a board member their was several different
things that could have been done.All of this was side stepped and the rules were not followed again.
So thru my research I have discovered that I have been voted off the board illegally and as so it is not legal.
In so stating this the facts I have been wrongfully voted off the
board and as such I do not recognize it.
Now from what has prviously had been going on that lead to the interim boards placement this behavior was no different than what we all wanted to change.
So either follow the Bylaws and then they lead us to our other governing
documents Roberts Rules of Order.
Either call a meeting to censure me or call for a trial.When the vote was taken at a preplanned time for an executive board meeting that had not been set for this action, I was not given the right to defend myself as I was simple told that I was voted off the board.I was late to this meeting and had talked to Brown earlier in the day and advised him that I may not be able to make it as I was helping a friend out but would if I possible could.So I did make it about 35 minutes late but none the less I made my best attemp to get their as I could.
So I was told they were going to ask me to step down from the board but I wasn't even given that opportunity either.Just simple voted out without the right to defend myself. I was told it was because of the conflict of my actions calling Billy Sipes a liar.
March 9,2009; Russell McFadin
Glenwood Acres Recreational Activity program/sponsor ship program for our kids in the community
Glenwood Acres Recreational Activity program
I am currently working on a program that will fund some activities for our kids in our community. Things like basketball goals and balls, volley ball equipment, tennis stuff, baseball hardware base plates and bats and gloves and other stuff needed, some things that the assn. doesn't provide for, for the swimmers like sun block for every one that comes that may not have what is needed. This program is being designed as no kids left out.
We want participation from all of our kids in the community. This program has nothing to do with either and or dues current or not it is about our kids and none will be disenfranchised because of any situation like that. Nor will there be any room for an embarrassing situation that these kids have no control over what their parents and grandparents may or may not do.
We have an opportunity to do something special for our kids here. Lets give this an opportunity to work and have something for them to do constructive as well as their will be some learning blocks en-placed like drug programs thru this and there will be some specialized counselors that will be available for any one that would like to speak that needs to talk that may be having troubles and needs someone but doesn't know who or where to turn.
Now with all programs there is a need for financial donations and this is going to be one part of the essentials to make this work effectively. Any and all donations would be appreciated as this fund will be monitored and a letter sent out to all donors letting them know how and what was spent and where the monies are going down to the last penny.All monies are to be used in the program.The money will go into an account and be spent from their so there will be records.
For donations above the 150.00 there will be a sign made and placed like the baseball parks do just not as big a sign but it will be for the business or family's name that is sponsoring that donation any one that would prefer to remain anonymous that will be respected as well.
Some of the roughest kids in the county come from our community lets change that. It is in our reach and is very much achievable.
The change that I have spoken of in the past goes way past just the Assn's Boards it must go into the heart of our community. Without it will surely have failed.
So the needs are physical and financial there is already a few en-place on both, who will be next will it be you or your neighbor. This is not about whether you personally have kids or are young and just starting out in life the needs are very simple lets educate our young people and give those a different outlook when the day is long and hands are idle lets keep those hands busy and minds occupied.
We need some teachers/leaders for help with the how to rules of the many different games on how to be a team player so very much can be learned in learning new things especially when one can learn the value of being a team player. these rules and lessons are no different than our everyday lives.
The impact of what happens today could impact that one kid that may have never otherwise would have been afforded the opportunity to shine. Who knows where and how far this could impact our community.
When you decide or need further information I can be reached at
903 841 0867 or email me at if for some reason I do not get back to you within 24 hrs email me at I have the spam filters and firewall protection that sometimes do not allow forwards and even personal emails till I add them to the address book.
By the week’s end the glenwood acres web site will have a new look and attitude to help all the community. It will have this information and some other exciting news on it and I will try and help make it a more informative place for the everyday person that may be wanting to join our community as well. With information for the fire department and county offices and names that we use here.
Thanks in Advance;
Russell McFadin
March 25 th 2009
I would liek to know what exactly my dues are paying for? For those of you who think you should be able to vote because you are current on your payment plans for back dues, I'm sorry but that is such a crock of shit. You may be current on your payment plans, but you still have back dues and until you dont have back dues I dont think you should be aloud to vote for anything. Thats one of the luxuries of taking care of your responsibilities and paying your HOA dues. If we are going to allow people to vote with back dues than how can we expect anyone to pay on time when they know these people are getting away with it? And pick up your damn trash. Take pride in what you have and where you live. You really want people driving through the neighborhood when it looks like this? And I'm not saying everyone has trash in their yard. I have seen some amazing lots that are clean, but we should all strive for that. Also, how is anyone supposed to enjoy the swimming area when the people who live next to it don't restrain their dogs? I don't feel that I should have to worry about someones dogs when I want to take a walk around the neighborhood. I know that firing of guns is not aloud, but since I have to carry one just to take a walk, if someones dog comes at me I will fire it. I know there is nothing in the restrictions about keeping your dogs fenced or on a leash, but have some respect for your neighbors. Also, can someone explain to me why this is not addressed in the restrictions?
Yesterday April the 11Th 2009 was a great day. We had around 70 kiddoes and over 100 plus was in attendance.Yesterday was not a day of political views it was about coming together and seeing smiling faces of our children in the
community and that was very much achieved.Lots of hard work was put in just as with any function before and after the event.All that hard work was seen in the
smiles and eagerness in the kiddoes.Their was 60 baskets made and each was given out. One hundred and fifty hot dogs were served and tray after tray of cupcakes were served.The Day was so nice weather cooperated no rain, was sunny an a little small chill in the shade but was such a wonderful day and an afternoon
filled with delight.There was numerous ribbons given out and several prizes awarded with our grand prize being donated by Brookshires # 45 Gilmer Rd
Longview, Tx. with a Special Thanks to Paul Latham as well as the Cade family for the help with behind the scenes needs as well as those whom wanted to remain
anonymous we do greatly appreciate all you do for and in our community
There was a egg race for the each four age groups ending with several of our (senior) citizens finishing it out.
I would like to personally thank each and every one that helped and showed up for the coming togetherness of our community.
Thank You;
Russell McFadin
Re: Question for you Mr.McFadin
--- In Galaresidents @ yahoo groups. com, lizzy_4142 wrote:
> I sat here and read all your post. so it seems to me that this mess has been
going on for a long time so my question is. Why don't you just move? Most people
would have moved.
> If you are willing to take on this fight more power to you. It will help all
the people who live out here. Good luck.
Thank you for your question lizzy and I will try and answer it is a short form.
I believe in my rights of the Costitution of the United States of America.
I believe in the rights of the Constitution of the State of Texas.
I believe in the right to Freedom.
As well as the right to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
This is the place that my wife and I choose to raise our family, it is the place
we call home and no one not one or any group will take those rights of freedom
of choice from my family my neighbors and myself away.
Yes I have been singled out numerous times,persucuted,ridiculed laughed at had
the police powers to be in different forms harras me from frivilous phictitious
claims and or calls. Been removed from my own property,locked out of my own
property. Had picture of my property put in a news paper in adjoining county and
even the use of my name. The better than thou commenting burn it down. Scourned
in open as open court forum and televised on TV. The list goes on and on.
But yet I have not waivered.
I did take up pen so to speak and not use physical force to defend rights of my
family and nieghbors and there neighbors,those less fortunate to be able to
stand on there own and as well protect my own rights, and yet again I have not
waivered but it has made me a stronger more determined human, that realize's
freedom does come with a price. Not many in this world can stand alone in the
face of diversity yet it is the only way change and reforms will happen here.
The cost has been great to my family Physically, Mentally and Financial.
If You need more to understand my views i will be happy to go on.Let me know
Thank You
Russell McFadin
Looks like Russell is out of his medicine again! "Skitzoooooooo"
Glenwood Acres??? Glemwood Acres POA officers??? For the people???
What is wrong with this picture???
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